Use Cases
Trustless and efficient payments between platoon vehicles.

Risk-free micropayments between service consumers and service providers.
Some businesses provide very fine-grained services. For example, an API service provides an individual service with each API call being served. In some applications, neither the service consumer may be willing to make a deposit up-front for engaging with the service, nor the service provider may be willing to cover all the costs up-front without a guarantee that it will be paid later. Perun provides a trustless solution for usage-based micropayments between the consumer and the provider.

Build low-latency blockchain-based gaming applications.
The prevention of cheating, monetization of skill and players taking ownership of their progress: all these aspects can be realized with blockchain-based technology. It is crucial that low-latency and the integrity of the game’s state is ensured. The Perun Framework enables the realization of real-time games where, for example, payouts are made depending on the game outcome. If you are furthermore interested in a technology for realizing a decentralized and secure marketplace for NFTs, please also check out Erdstall.